Since 2008, Esplorare la Metropoli began the production of creative documentaries both for theatrical screening and for television.
Among the productions stands out The Well – Water Voices from Ethiopia, that narrate the point of view of nomadic Horn of Africa shepherds Borana about the universal right of access to water issue. Acquired by Rai 3, Arte France and Germany, screened in more than 50 countries, selected in over 120 festivals and awarded with 26 international awards, The Well has opened a series of productions that investigates the indigenous point of view on great universal themes. This production line also includes the film The Remnants (produced with Rai Cinema and RSI – Radiotelevisione Svizzera Italiana, which opened, on 11 October 2017, the Italian Competition of the Festival dei Popoli in Florence and won the Jury Prize SSA SUISSIMAGE at Vison du Réel International Film Festival for Most innovative feature film) as well as The Tides People (currently in development).
Category: Documentary film
Directed by: Simone Manetti
Script: Gianluca Perilli, Simone Manetti
Anno: 2019 | Durata: 52′ – 75′ | Length: 52’- 75′ | Format: HD
Language: Italian/English
Production: Nacne / Esplorare la metropoli / Filmoption International / A+E Network
Two women, two artists dressed as brides. A hitchhiking trip to Jerusalem through countries devastated by wars, to celebrate marriage between peoples. An artistic performance, Brides on Tour, interrupted twenty-three days after its start in a tragic and harrowing way.
Category: Documentary film
Directed by: Paolo Barberi, Riccardo Russo
Script: Flaminio Cozzaglio
Anno: 2017 | Durata: 52′ – 75′ | Length: 52’- 75′ | Format: HD
Language: Lao/English
Production: Nacne / Esplorare la metropoli with Rai Cinema and RSI – Radiotelevisione Svizzera italiana
The Remnants is a journey into the contradictions of contemporary war, residues of which do not end in simple conflict, but coexist into the culture and spirituality of a people that manages to incorporate good and evil, construction and destruction, and to convert killing objects into handy tools to tackle everyday life.
Jury Prize SSA Swiss Image | Festival Internazional Vision du Réel for the most innovative documentary. 2018
Prix de la Commission nationale d’Images en Bibliothèques, Images de la culture du CNC, ADAV | 37 Festival International Jean Rouch Paris. 2018
Prize of the Guangzhou International Film Festival for Best International Production. 2019
Genre: Documentary
Directed by: Paolo, Barberi, Riccardo Russo
Script: Mario Michelini
Year: 2011 | Duration: 52′ | Format: HDV
Language: Italian / English / Ethiopian
Partner: LVIA, International Cooperation and Volunteer Association
Production: Esplorare la metropoli / Suttvuess
The documentary follows the story that revolve around the activities of the ancient wells of Erder during a long dry season until the arrival of the long-awaited annual rains.
Through the interaction with some local characters, the film takes us to the discovery of a model of water management that still allows the Boranas to manage the little water available as a good and a right for all, in one of the driest regions of the inhabited earth.
Genre: Documentary
Directed by: Marco Speroni
Script: Marco Speroni
Year: 2018 | Duration: 52′ | Format: HDV
Language: Italian / English
Production: Nacne / Esplorare la metropoli
The story of four people sentenced to death for a crime they have not committed and who have struggled for years to prove their innocence. Suddenly catapulted into a nightmare by imperfect and summary justice, Susan Kigula, Peter Pringle, Sonia “Sunny” Jacobs, Herman Lindsey – who come from the most diverse places on the planet – have not resigned themselves to their destiny and with incredible strength, after years of struggle, finally managed to get out of jail.
Genre: Documentary
In development
Directed by: Paolo Barberi, Riccardo Russo
Partner: LVIA, International Cooperation and Volunteer Association
Language: Portuguese, Creole
Production: Nacne / Esplorare la metropoli
Hidden among the mangroves of West Africa, the Balanta people first fought against slave traders and then led the liberation war from Portugal, contributing to the founding of the Republic of Guinea Bissau.
Forced to measure themselves by the force of the tides to survive in the mangroves, the Balanta managed in time to remove the sea by recovering agricultural land to grow rice.
Genre: Documentary
In development
Directed by: Marco Speroni
Script: Marco Speroni
Duration: 73′
Format: 4k
Language: English
Production:Nacne / Esplorare la metropoli
Curtis was only 22 when he was sentenced to death for a crime he did not commit and has since spent 22 years in prison, 19 of them on death row in an Oklahoma state penitentiary, waiting to be executed. A Declaration of Love tries to give a voice to a man who is cruelly persecuted by a perverse judicial system, delving into his deepest and most hidden emotions. The film is a visual journey through Curtis’ gaze and his sense of disorientation towards a world, the external one, to which he no longer belongs.

Genre: documentary series
in developement
Authors: Paolo Barberi, Graziano Graziani
Lenght: 52′ x 8 episodes
Production: Esplorare la metropoli
Format: 4k
Language: English
ATLAS OF THE MICRONATIONS is structured as a TV series of 8 self-contained episodes, each dedicated to the story of a single micronation. In each episode the place will be explored, getting in touch with the ruler, the president or the charismatic leader of the micronation, which will be visited and told in its story and customs.
Each episode is a journey, consisting of an approach path (physical movement, historic documentation), a real meeting, and an epilogue.

Genre: documentary series
in developement
Authors: Paolo Barberi, Flaminio Cozzaglio, Riccardo Russp
Lenght: 52′ x 6 episodes
Format: 4k
Language: Italian
Numerous studies and reports have told the lives of immigrant workers. The peculiarity of our proposal is to seek a common thread among many different territories, trying to catch their peculiarities and similarities. The result is a complex but organic fresco of the system of food production and distribution which is now structurally connected, in Italy and in Europe, to the more general themes of the relationship between local and migrant communities, and the transformation in the world of work.

Genre: documentary series
in developement
Authors: Paolo Barberi, Laura Romano, Riccardo Russo
Production: Esplorare la metropoli
Format: 4k
Language: Portuguese
The forest is the metaphorical landscape of the many places in the world where the situation have reached a point of no return, due to a ruinous economic logic. Viewed from afar looks like an island, but more like hell because of the fires that burn undisturbed trees and vegetation that will never grow back and that we have lost forever. Here the human beings reveals their violent and predatory nature without worrying about what going to be lost, unsettling both a natural and anthropic system without remedy. But also, here Nature and Man find refuge and manifest themselves in their capacity for adaptation and continuous rebirth.
The film consists of 4 chapters within which the absolute protagonist is the environment considered as a unique system in its complexity and interaction with man, crossed and observed following the relationships and economic interests within it. We will start from the suburbs of a large city like Manaus where part of the indigenous population lives and works, to reach the seasonal camps of illegal miners in the forest, the great thoroughfares where goods transit from here to the rest of the country or abroad for be worked, and the most isolated part of the Yanomami territory who claim the redefinition of indigenous lands and the expulsion of garimpeiros (gold diggers) and landowners.

Genre: documentary series
in developement
Authors: Paolo Barberi, Alessandro Falcone, Vittorio Moroni, Gian Piero Palombini
Production: Esplorare la metropoli
Language: Italian
On the soccer fields of the urban suburbs, in the dusty courtyards of the Brazilian favelas, in the concrete parking lots of the Parisian banlieu or in the academies of the big football clubs, there is a treasure to be discovered. Everywhere the same, personified in many different ways: is talent, that turn a normal kid good at play into a champion.
It is a treasure that can revolutionize the life of a boy and his family, a bet that can be worth a fortune, a business that can move millions, decide a season or a cycle of a club or a national team.
But what exactly is football talent? Is it a simple gesture or an attitude? Is it a gift that comes at birth or something that can be crafted with the right training? And above all, how do you find it, with direct observation or with an algorithm that processes complex data and informations? What details do you need to pay attention to in order to discover a potential champion?
Esplorare la Metropoli is an independent production of documentary films and social utility communication projects, born from the association of some documentaries and researchers in the audiovisual field, with the aim of documenting and reflecting on the social and environmental transformations of the contemporary world.
In ten years of activity, the association has produced documentaries, researches, educational and cultural activities, collaborating with other associations, universities and organizations involved in solidarity and international cooperation.
Today Esplorare la Metropoli develops its lines of research and takes care of the realization of its projects in all phases of production, counting on its own creative group and on a network of international relations.